Electronic discovery
Data Collection and Production

November 22, 2011

Data Collection and Production
E-Discovery efforts should employ sound data collection methods that return the expected results quickly and efficiently. Whitehouse & Cooper attorneys can work with you to devise and test collection strategies that meet your litigation objectives. We'll discuss what to collect, how to collect and preserve it, and whether everything collected should be reviewed. Even if you're not conducting e-Discovery in a matter, we can work with your opponent's attorneys to review their collection methods. You want to ensure that you receive all of the information requested, and having an attorney on your side who understands e-Discovery could get you closer to that result. Once the data collection and document review phases are complete, Whitehouse & Cooper can coordinate with third-party vendors and your opponent's attorneys to validate the exported data (known as "load files"), whether incoming or outgoing. Contact Whitehouse & Cooper to discuss your data collection and production needs.

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What to expect:

  1. Use the form to schedule a consultation.
  2. You’ll talk with a real attorney about your business and needs and how we can help. Then, you’ll get an initial estimate.
  3. If you like what you hear, you’ll get an engagement letter and pay the deposit.
  4. We’ll get started protecting your business.