Marketing law
Marketing law

The Increasingly High Cost of TCPA Non-Compliance

August 6, 2015

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was passed in 1991 after years of customer complaints about annoying and often downright […]

Florida’s Revised Charitable Solicitation Laws

August 8, 2014

In an effort to deter fraudulent and deceptive organizations from soliciting contributions within Florida, the Legislature has amended its solicitation […]

Creating an Effective, Enforceable Social Media Policy

July 24, 2014

In a previous post, we discussed the most common social media pitfalls and “what if” scenarios that can cause headaches […]

Beware of the Legal Pitfalls of Social Media

July 17, 2014

According to Pew Internet Project research, 73 percent of all Internet users are active social media users. Americans spend an […]

Are You Prepared for Canada’s Anti-Spam Law?

June 30, 2014

On July 1, 2014, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) goes into effect. The law is intended to protect citizens from commercial […]

What You Need to Know to Keep Native Advertising Legit

February 13, 2014

Native advertising is a relatively new label for a well-established concept. It’s a form of advertising in which the ad […]

Content Scraping, Part 2: Legal Consequences and Prevention

October 29, 2013

The practice of content scraping is as shady and underhanded as the name implies. One person or entity scrapes content […]

Content Scraping, Part 1: High-Tech Plagiarism

October 23, 2013

Plagiarism has existed since the days of feather pens and parchment. If one person wrote something worthwhile, there was always […]

5 Ways to Avoid the Pitfalls of Case Studies and Testimonials

October 14, 2013

When you say something about your business, it’s a claim. When a customer says the same thing about your business, […]
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  1. Use the form to schedule a consultation.
  2. You’ll talk with a real attorney about your business and needs and how we can help. Then, you’ll get an initial estimate.
  3. If you like what you hear, you’ll get an engagement letter and pay the deposit.
  4. We’ll get started protecting your business.