Technology law
Scam Alert: The FBI Isn’t Sending $3.5,000,000,00 Million USA Dollars

June 10, 2014

Scam Alert: The FBI Isn’t Sending $3.5,000,000,00  Million USA Dollars
Internet scams are as old as the Internet, and they're not going away anytime soon. Scammers try to exploit innocent victims at all costs. No one is immune--even law firms are targeted by scammers. We recently received an email claiming to be from "" with subject line "FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI)" and the following message body:
Attention: Beneficiary, We  the FBI at the Scammed Victims Compensation Unit would like to bring to your notice that your email address has won you the sum of $3.5,000,000.00 USD ($3.5 million USA dollars) from the United Nations World Organizations (UNO) due to the uncontrollable fraudulent activities which has  been going on in the United State Of America and most part of the World. Your email address was gotten as a result of the previous investigation carried out by the FBI homeland security on a fraudsters that was cut at 532 la copita.Ct San Ramon California 94583 USA. He was cut sending fake ATM card and Bank Cheques to people and on the investigation process a group of email addresses of America citizen who has been scam lot of money where found in his PC. They have been taken to Court for persecution. So due to this reason  the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the President of the FBI James Comeby after having a separate and private meeting about these they decided to compensate the rightful owners of those emails with the sum of $3.5 million each which your email address was among the email group. So that is why we are in contact with you so therefore you absolutely have nothing to worry about for your own share of $3.5 Million USD must get to you. Series of meetings have been held over the past two weeks with the secretary general of the United Nations Organization Gen. Banki Moon. This ended 3 days ago, and It is obvious that you have not received your own compensation fund which is to the tune of $3.5,000,000,00  Million USA Dollars, due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who almost held the funds to themselves for their selfish reasons and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund. However, the National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate to the current Governor of Washington DC his Excellency Governor Jay Inslee to boost these exercise of clearing all foreign debts owned to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling,Inheritance and the likes. Now how would you like to receive your Compensation Funds Award worth the sum of $3.5 Million USD? Because we have two method of payment which is by Bank Cashier Cheque or by ATM Debit Master card? ATM Debit Mater Card: We will be issuing you a  ATM Debit Master Card which you can be able to withdraw up to $10,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2018. Also with the ATM Debit Mater Card you will be able to transfer Money into your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook manual to enlighten you on how to make use it.You can get this ATM card even if you do not have a bank account. Bank Cashier Cheque: You Funds would be deposited into the World Bank Of America your bank for and you will be issued a Cheque which would be cleared within next three working days into your personal Bank account. Your Compensation Funds Award would be sent to you via any of your preferred option and would be delivered to you via the UPS Courier Service, Because we have signed a contract with UPS which should expire in next three weeks. But before the UPS can leave for your doorstep you will only need to pay for their Delivery fee to your home which is only $380 Dollars instead of paying $565 Dollars thereby saving you $185 Dollars and if you pay before the three weeks of June 2014 you save yourself$185. Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely an Imposters and you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you will ever have to spend to get your Compensation Award is $380.00 Dollars before your delivery can commence at once to your doorstep and nothing more! Nothing less! And we guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to your doorstep within the next 24 hrs after the receipt of payment has been confirmed. Note: Every order Bills and Taxes has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Washington DC, The United Nation and also the United State FBI, the UPS Courier service delivery fee is all you will ever have to pay which is $380 USA Dollars only. Do not send money to anyone until you read this and have heard from me. The actual fees for shipping your ATM card is $565 dollars but because UPS have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee of $565 to $380 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort! Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from the (UPS) Website (WWW.UPS.COM). To confirm beneficiaries like you who have received their payment successfully. JOHNNY ALMANTE ==============1Z2X59394198080570 GARY METZGER ==============1Z2X59394195952759 GLEN PAPANIKAS ==============1Z2X59394198690947 To effect the release of your Compensation funds valued at $3.5,000,000.00 USD ($3.5 Million USA dollars) you are advised to contact our correspondent at the FBI HeadQuarters in Washington DC the delivery officer Agent Mark Ruben with this contact information below! Name: FBI AGENT.  Mark Ruben Email:  * [redacted for posterity] Office Contact: +1- (239) 2344 - 377 You are advised to contact him with the information's as stated below; thereby making your UPS Courier delivery fee of $380.00 USD available to avoiding much delays:   Your full Name............ Your Address:.............. Home/Cell Phone:........ Your Occupation.......... Your Identity................ Country................... Zip code.................. Preferred Payment Method............... (ATM card / Cashier Checque) Upon receipt of payment details been confirmed available the UPS delivery officer will ensure that your package is delivered to you personally within 24 working hours, Because we are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not receive Compensation Funds Award within the next 24 hrs after you have made the payment for shipping your package to you, And make sure that you keep the receipt of the $380 payment that you made because that is the prove you will show to the delivery team when they arrive at your doorstep with your package. Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your Compensation Funds Award worth the sum of $3.5 Million USD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Mark Ruben of the ATM card payment center who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your Compensation Funds payment and forward any email notification you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation please assist us fight against Internet Cyber Crime. Kindly click on the link to view the Internet Fraudsters that was cut by the FBI< > Note: This email fully under supervision of the FBI and will be until you have your ATM card at your door step, so kindly follow the instruction and have this Card delivered to your address without any more delay by paying the UPS Courier Delivery service fee and send to  United State FBI Approved officer Mark Ruben As stated above. Yours Sincerely, Miss Donna Gwen FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 935 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535-0001 <END SCAM EMAIL> Without a doubt, this is a scam. The FBI is not sending $3.5,000,000,00  Million USA Dollars. Scams like these have a number of clues that can help consumers identify them as such. For example, note the horrendous grammar throughout the message and the non-American spellings (e.g., "checque" versus "check"). (We do feel for the poor fictitious fraudsters who are being "persecuted" in court and have been "cut" by the FBI.) Even the purported phone number is using the wrong syntax. The UPS tracking numbers are not valid. Another very telling sign is the email address. Would the FBI really use a Yahoo address from another country? No. Most of all, the scammer is requesting money. If nothing else raises a red flag, that must. The person on the end of the email address will receive the $380 and run--potentially more if they acquire your bank account information. The Federal Trade Commission has established a website to educate the public about scams like these. You can access common scam information here. For business owners and consumers alike, the message here is, if it looks too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

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