Technology law
Technology law

How Florida’s CADRA Law Provides a Remedy for Insider Threats

March 18, 2016

The risk of a data breach has never been higher as sophisticated criminals have the expertise, organization and financial backing […]

Written Contracts for All Contractors. Period.

January 28, 2016

Suppose you decide to partner with an app development firm to create a mobile app for your company. You have […]

Wearables and mHealth: A Privacy Crisis Waiting to Happen?

December 21, 2015

Wearable technology usage has increased 500 percent during the past three years. Researchers from MarketsandMarkets expect this explosive growth to […]

IP Video Surveillance: What You Need to Know Before You Hit “Record”

December 11, 2015

In the world of retail, the holiday season is a time of Black Friday sales, seasonal employees, pointy elbows in […]

Why Cybersecurity Is a Board-Level Issue

October 21, 2015

Cybersecurity is no longer an issue that can be addressed by handing the IT guy the company AmEx and telling […]

Why a Written Information Security Policy Is a Must-Have

October 14, 2015

In the previous post, we discussed the growing need for cybersecurity insurance as more organizations look for ways to protect […]

Understanding the Complexity of Today’s Cybersecurity Insurance

October 9, 2015

Berkshire Hathaway recently announced that it was getting into the cybersecurity insurance business, offering two new types of policies – […]

Getting Up to Speed on Florida Data Breach Law, Part 2

September 24, 2015

In the previous post, we began to summarize the key amendments to Florida’s breach notification statute, all of which should […]

Getting Up to Speed on Florida Data Breach Law, Part 1

September 18, 2015

In recent posts, we’ve been discussing the growing importance of incident response planning, why cybersecurity incident response is as much […]
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  1. Use the form to schedule a consultation.
  2. You’ll talk with a real attorney about your business and needs and how we can help. Then, you’ll get an initial estimate.
  3. If you like what you hear, you’ll get an engagement letter and pay the deposit.
  4. We’ll get started protecting your business.